Kan die Akademie Uitnemendheid Oorleef?
Gedurende die laaste twee dekades of meer, het die idee van uitnemendheid al hoe meer die selfbeeld en praktyk van die universiteitswese...
Denke wat kan Dans: Johan Degenaar en die Kuns van Gesprek
Voordrag gelewer by die Filosofie Kafee by die Breytenbach-sentrum, Wellington, 6 Mei 2022
Clearing a Path to Academia
A Tribute to Lungisile Ntsebeza Light heart and strong commitment Lungisile Ntsebeza’s commitment to his chosen path of intellectual...
Stellenbosse Taalbeleid
Die Oortjies van die Seekoei Ter gedagtenis van Ampie Coetzee, 1939-2020 Die seekoei en die taalbeleid Waarna ons ookal kyk, sien ons met...
Degenaar in Dialogue: An Essay in Four Parts Part Four: What Remains?
Johan Degenaar died on 22 July 2015, at the age of eighty-nine. He had withdrawn from public life a decade or more before. This withdrawal w
Degenaar in Dialogue: An Essay in Four Parts Part Three: Dialogue as a Philosophical Art
Part Three: Dialogue as a Philosophical Art.
From the beginning of his academic career, and probably even before that, Degenaar was...
Degenaar in Dialogue: An Essay in Four Parts Part Two: Challenged to Conform
Invitation to a commemoration
In the early years of his appointment as a lecturer in philosophy at the University of Stellenbosch, Johan De
Degenaar in Dialogue: An Essay in Four Parts Part One: Apprentice Philosopher
The master burglar and his apprentice
There is an ancient Chinese story of a young man who approaches his father, a master burglar, and ask
Ways of Contradiction
1. Dialectic as the movement of contradiction
In dialectical thought, definitions are often a problem. Definitions imply that terms have a
Remembering Peter Hudson
I met Peter Hudson in 1986, at a conference at the University of Natal in Durban. We knew of each other by then, although we had not met...